Pillow Talk
I awaken and reach out for something i’ve not yet held. There comes a time when a cool pillow can no longer suffice after a long night alone. Even so, I smile. Although distant in this instant, our paths are converging and these inner energies are surging. I wonder if she felt the…
Okay, one more cup and then i stumble home, alone. I thought i’d shamed myself, I tasted tears. I was embarassed. I wanted to run away, but I heard, read. I read. My head spins sometimes. I feel calmer now. Tears are a blessing. To be deprived is devastation. I didn’t…
Don’t Be a Yunus
I once had a ten day long night. Have you ever been in darkness for years? Have you ever cried out on your carpet? Have you sipped sorrow and drowned in your tears? I seek something no one can explain. I get stuck in my thought streams. I don’t know how i got here. I…
Wild as Willows
When you go from nothing to something, it feels like everything. And then it all changes, having once slumped under heavy weight, now upright, smile upon face. I feel sober today. Okay, i spilled out happiness in that room over there like i’d been tipping the cup back again, but i’d already spilt what…
Inside Information
She had some in-sight in-form-ation, we here, a different kind of hear-ness, an awareness from a nearness most don’t approach and never know. So i asked about that flavor, she says it’s in the back the throat, it’s been labeled an ambrosia and when you feel it then you know. The dreamlike quality…
Sajdi Says
Sajdi says, I used to speak Farsi and it always felt nice to sing its sweet syllabatics in the starlight, there in that canyon. You know the one… I forgot it all, a very long time ago. She says she can help me remember. I believe her, but i don’t know how. What…
Crumpled in a Corner
Have you ever sat to consider the Imam’s tremendous task? I do not envy him. I can barely hold it together knowing what little i know. When i look at the complexity of it all, my mind is blown, my heart so heavy. Do you pray for him as i do? He is crumpled in…
Luminous Towers
This poetry is a frozen ocean of deep devotion, groaning, crashing, grinding motions, breaking, dropping, roller coasting, seemingly still on the surface at times, yet all the while, hiding vast wilds of life. Few can know the fresh water streams moving through bitter saline in sweet currents. Emergence is a process of long-accumulated…
Strange Garden
I can’t stop, even if I wanted to. I’m pushed to edges where roots dangle. But there’s no compulsion in Islam, I say to her. She replies, you choose Truth, so nothing else can remain. All burns in His presence. My heart is aflame. My fingers singe soil and my eyes can’t make…
Evil inverts, so sometimes to properly see, we invert their inversions and read the arighted thing Quranically. Liars can’t create from scratch, they can only manipulate this reality. They have interfered with so much, that it’s hard to know just what’s to be trusted about our knowledge of such a galaxy. No matter, friend, all things…