Arriving at the Indus from Istanbul
Walking through Istanbul as the moon waxes into the white nights, longing to see the Indus further downstream than I saw it last, to meander Multan, touch Taxila, lounge in Lahore, hunker in Hunza, and gaze at the Karakoram and Kush while sipping some spiced chai and after a long journey, arrive. Copyright ©…
The Mahdi as Comic Book Hero
Who’s a better alternative to the daily shredded shaykh on any given Muslim platform? Someone might say, “Hadith and Quran”, but then say, “No, brother. That’s the wrong reading”, or “who did you study with?” “Him?, he’s a kafir!”, “Him, a murtad!”, “That group? Devils!”, or “Secret Jews”. “Them? Munafiquun!” “Do you even know…
Mind Virus: Are We Muslimeen or Muslim Mean?
Why are Muslims attacking each other on every platform? So much distrust, drama, trauma, disturbance. Everyone seems to think they’re right and everyone else is wrong, Constantly exposing, refuting, inspecting, rejecting, deflecting, spying, denying, lying, opining on that which they do not know and that’s just the so-called scholars and callers. Get to those who…
Damaged Goods
She was invited but impolitely declined. No matter. She shall hear of it and smile. She didn’t know how to be there in the early or late phase. I’d forgive her if she’d only ask. She is a stubborn one and has been off balance since she learned to walk. The whole time, she could…
Spend Wisely
She tells him “this is how to put your hands on the earth and feel jannah”. He listens to her like there has never been another voice in his ear, he breathes her in as if he has never tasted fresh air. She expands his chest and strengthens his back. He carries heavier loads now.…
Stay Sajda
I am a very wealthy man, but you’d never know it to look at me. My treasure chest overflows with splendor, like a geyser backlit by a brilliant sunrise, bison crushing newly packed snow under fur draped hoof. You can hear the burst about to break surface if you place your face to the ground…
Crying in Public
I don’t care if i cry in public. I’m a mess, and i don’t comb my hair or even brush my beard. I’m a bard in the wrong timeline. I recite choruses in improper sequence. My stanzas seem to lack all reason and i don’t know their meaning. I just need to get them out…
Typing Against the Current
I keep typing against the current. I know how to end this. It shall be epic, all cosmic dust damage and smashed planets. She will remember me too late, but she’ll find me if she cries hard enough. I found her before, back then. I lost that line of thought in a drought that felt…
Pillow Talk
I awaken and reach out for something i’ve not yet held. There comes a time when a cool pillow can no longer suffice after a long night alone. Even so, I smile. Although distant in this instant, our paths are converging and these inner energies are surging. I wonder if she felt the…
Don’t Be a Yunus
I once had a ten day long night. Have you ever been in darkness for years? Have you ever cried out on your carpet? Have you sipped sorrow and drowned in your tears? I seek something no one can explain. I get stuck in my thought streams. I don’t know how i got here. I…