The Ummah has been massively traumatized, by design, in a thoroughgoing and systematic manner, for more than forty years, at least. To begin healing as a whole, we must collaborate to be of benefit, in each locality and each region. In this brief brainstorm, I begin with Afghanistan, and expand to other lands. Walk with me a bit.
Afghanistan should become a land of healers, and healing herbs and long-forgotten teachings native to the region could be key in their personal and collective healing processes and a major economic boon. Plants such as hemp, both medicinal and industrial, and others perhaps, could help purify their lands and bodily expanse, revitalizing the soil through remineralization and nutrification from the glacial stream silt and mineral dense mountainous landscapes of the region around.
If education was focused on things related to holistic, nutritional, and energetic healing methodologies, and all areas of organic farming and organic products, cutting edge harmonious architecture, permaculture, and full societal literacy (I am unaware of a single area of the Muslim world having more than 10-15% societal literacy before modern times; a very serious indictment of past leaders, both religious and secular), plus development of a holistic psychological healing system connected to the great teachings of the Khorasani masters of the past, so many beautiful things could happen very quickly, inshaallah.
There are so many brilliant unrecognized Muslims that a worldwide movement to create healing centers on the old Sinan kullyesi model with elements from turuq organizational models (rural healing centers to work through ptsd and other physical and psychological issues) is possible.
The prophetic tradition is much more than most Muslims have imagined, partly because you have been prevented from seeing, reading, and experiencing reality as it is, by design. Those days of delusion can now be behind us, if we choose Truth over lies and eliminate all unhealthy idolatrous attachments from our lives and homes.
Small groups of expansive hearted and deep thinking visionaries with diverse practical skill sets could develop blueprint communities in stable areas of the world, with proper ethical funding and a thoroughgoing holistic training program, then send out trainees to key areas of brokenness and toxicity in Muslim lands, worldwide, including Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq, and other areas devastated by war and conflict these past forty years plus.
They would then train locals in regions collaboratively with those already doing similar work and learn from one another directly. This pragmatic, heart-centered unification would serve to inspire and motivate the Ummah to become the healers the world needs, and then we send those transformed by such healing projects further afield, all over the world. These healers are selfless, wise and compassionate, just spiritual warriors and carry the black flags of “the greater sacred struggle”. There has never been a better dawa program than a healing approach. I call this “deep dawa”.
The goal of a spiritually mature deep dawa expression is to holistically purify and make whole individuals, families and communities, who then in turn give back their time, energy, experiential insights, and efforts as sadaqa.
We must live in harmony with Natural Law, Allah’s Law threaded through all of creation through “kun, and it is”, the only authentic “way to water”. The actual Islamic ethic is one of non-harming, wisdom, compassion, and justice. Justice is dependent on the deepest, most honest reading and analysis of reality, both inner and outer. The “spiritual caliphate” becomes manifest as we enter appreciatively, mindfully, and with presence into the Nowness, in an egoless, fluid manner, each becoming protectors of the interconnected, interdependent, interrelated realm of creation, and therefore “caliphs of the earth”. In this process we also transcend history, historicity, and sectarianism, honor the best of what our ancestors have passed forward to us through suffering and striving, and provide excellence and inspiration to those who are to follow in our footsteps.
Where we cannot eliminate harm, we minimize it. May we come out of our miseries and personal hellfires, and becoming mercy-filled water, may we in turn quench the fires engulfing our brothers and sisters in the Ummah and beyond, and as our drops become one, may we become the purifying river this world needs, to cleanse, revive and revitalize our lands and peoples. This is deep dawa. May it now be seen and known.
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