An Upright Ummah and “Deep Dawa” (a stream of consciousness draft)

The Ummah is presently in a low and degraded state, but Allah changes the status of those who first seek to transform their hearts. Let us consider what this might entail.

Who do non-muslims and critically thinking, deep-hearted Muslims worldwide look at as recent examples of excellence within the Ummah, nowadays? No one of worldwide significance within the past few hundred years; the architect of the Taj Mahal (but who knows his name?), Sinan, Rumi and Attar, ibn Sina, ibn Rushd, ibn Khaldun and ibn Batuta, and maybe al Ghazali. Point is that we currently have no great thinkers, products or movements that outsiders look at with respect and admiration, and sadly, many of the names I mentioned above are disrespected and dishonored within the Ummah itself.

Right guidance has clear evidences and proofs. The nearer that one becomes to the Creator, the more creative one becomes, to the Just, just, to the Compassionate and Kind, compassionate and kind, and to the Knower and Wise, knowledgeable and wise, and so forth. Our Ummah is currently in a state of spiritual poverty and malnourishment, as those qualities and evidences are clearly lacking among us, for the most part, unfortunately. This must be remedied immediately, inshallah. We face unprecedented disaster otherwise, as those paying attention, recognize.

What can we do? This is complex yet simple. We must transition to a paradigm of healing and wholeness, and justice, which requires deep self honesty and transformation. We need to individually and collectively go through a holistic tawba, tazkiya (body, mind, environment), and holistic hijrah process (from artificial/synthetic , impure, unethical to organic/natural, pure, and ethical). We need to come into harmony with actual natural law and to simultaneously reconcile and harmonize as an Ummah.

We need to get back to key talents and skill sets the Ummah was once known for; egoless collaboration and synthesis of knowledge in practical, broadly beneficial ways. We need a new holistic, powerfully practical educational model of lifelong learning (womb to the tomb), to cultivate complete, spiritually mature/perfected humans, children, women, and men. In this process, we need to develop the best collaborative think tanks, scholars, libraries and research institutions the world has ever seen, free of corrupted ideologies, investors and their “investments”, utilizing the best of past and present frameworks and methodologies, and ensure that Muslims are known for honest, transparent scholarly research and writing in all fields of the arts and sciences, especially if it relates to anything broadly prophetic- and religion-related (classical languages, all comparative fields, histories, anthropology, archaeology, literary studies, etcetera). This endeavor must not be apologetic nor polemical, and will not only revitalize the Ummah from within, but help us to help others, thereby acting as actual factual “deep dawa”, and bringing forth a matured collective of Muslims known for excellence in critical thinking, research and products, intuitive reason, and expansive deep-hearted creative endeavors.

Another important aspect of deep dawa besides the new holistic educational synthesis and scholarly renaissance (we currently have no institutions of higher learning that non-Muslims respect, take influence from, or clamor to attend and Muslims go outside of the Ummah for most of their educational needs) is we need a related shift to an ethical, pure business model and “Muslim made” movement, whereby Muslims are on the cutting edge of all things, products and services organic, holistic, ethical, pure, and purifying; small batch, local and regional foods (and organic farming/gardening, permaculture, biodynamic methods), clothing (high quality, affordable, stylish yet modest, emf protectant), body products (healing, nutrifying, revivifying, emf protectant), cleaning products, and more, all emphasizing scientific and artistic quality. In this paradigm shift, our healers and healing centers will be sought out for their holistic and wide ranging knowledge and skills in healing bodies, minds, hearts, families, ecosystems, infrastructures and communities. We will take the best of all human systems and skill sets from across space and time into a fresh synthesis intended to help us reach our individual and collective potentials as just, wise, compassionate, and creative humans.

We will engage in ethical trade, profit sharing within communities and investment collectives, sharing of product and profit with those who need “hand ups, not hand outs”. Our businesses, products and practices should be “deep dawa”, and inspire, encourage, motivate the Ummah and beyond with synthesizing and creative ingenuity, collaborative excellence, and the holistic expression of the spiritually matured, perfected human individual and collective. Right guidance includes direct experiential knowledge, and clear expressions evident to self and others. It is time to turn away from the fironic dajjalic delusion by going through the holistic tawba, tazkiya, and hijrah process built in to our profound prophetic path of purification and perfection, long obscured and unappreciated, but now increasingly in the open, for those with eyes to see, ears to hear, and expansive hearts to feel know and understand.

May we be successful and be rectified and readied now. Time is short, but we have all the tools to accomplish such a task, if we only seek intimacy with Truth Most High, the Wise and Compassionate Healer and Guide, Lord of All Worlds, for the sake of Truth Alone.


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