Who’s a better alternative to the daily shredded shaykh on any given Muslim platform?
Someone might say, “Hadith and Quran”, but then say, “No, brother. That’s the wrong reading”, or “who did you study with?”
“Him?, he’s a kafir!”, “Him, a murtad!”, “That group? Devils!”, or “Secret Jews”.
“Them? Munafiquun!”
“Do you even know Arabic?” “No? You have no right to even speak your thoughts or hold a view, but if you do, then sit with the children for twenty years.”
“Reverts?” “Reverts are bless-ed.” “Him, he’s a revert. He’s probably a mason, and meets with Klaus on secret skype.”
“Think critically!” “No! That’s too much!” “Don’t think!” “Blind follow!” “Don’t blind follow!” “Be like him.”
Every piece of ground we try to breathe and be free upon, defiled by Muslims, stripped away, spat upon, soiled. Who needs enemies when you’ve got brothers and sisters in Islam?
It’s heartbreaking to see how mean spirited, mocking, and darkly sarcastic and cruel Muslims have become… or maybe always were? How would we even know?
It’s always someone else’s fault anyway.
Don’t work on your own issues, but if you do, count on the Muslims to correct you, tell you it’s wrong, sinful, or the incorrect methodologies.
History is full of lies, and many scholars’ time historically seems to be spent on exposing, rejecting, and cursing other scholars, so that we have nothing left.
Then the Muslims follow their poor example and spread Hellfire like seed on soil come Spring.
The Ummah is in shambles, spiritually impoverished, and clearly suicidal.
Quick! Where’s a Rumi when we need him? Nevermind! “He’s a kafir, too.”
Guess I should follow you? Or maybe you?
Teach me, teacher. I await transformation.
I got a comic book today. It says “The Mystical, Magical Mahdi Comes Soon!”
Good! I have a busy schedule and can’t be bothered to work on my own purification process to overcome my own egoisms and attachments.
He shall wave his hands over the Ummah and say, “Arise!” and all at once, the Ummah’s status is changed.
But… Allay says, “change your hearts first”.
Muslims can’t even change their minds without a pack of dogs ripping them to shreds without even a shred of adab. “Hey, but at least he offered salaams first; last guy didn’t even do that.”
“Where’s my keys? I need to take a drive.”
[See “Mind Virus: Are We Muslimeen or Muslim Mean?”]
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